Wayanad Tourism Organisation is a non profit organisation, registered in India under the Societies Registration act XXI of 1860 with Reg. No 44/04.

Aims and Objectives
1. To plan, initiate and support meaningful steps that lead to growth of tourism in Wayanad. This involves innovative and professional management of the Wayanad brand, and develelopment of Wayanad tourism resources and capabilities.

2. To serve as a forum for local tourism entrepreneurs to interact on issues of shared concern. And further to give shape to coordinated action, utilizing their collective leverage.

3. To provide an institutional framework to enable positive and synergistic partnerships between the local tourism industry and government tourism agencies for more effective promotion and management of tourism in the Wayanad district.

4. To take a lead role in fostering a culture of 'responsible and susntainable tourism' in Wayanad. This includes greater sensitivity to local ecological and social concerns. It also involves effective measures to evolve and maintain better quality standards and practices

5. To actively explore ways to generate revenues for the Association so that it can fund it's activities better. This includes developing and marketing innovative tourism related products and conducting special events.

6. It must be stressed that this is a 100% Not For Profit organisation. Revenues generated through the Association shall be used exclusively in pursuance of it's stated Aims and objectives; members of the Association shall, in no circumstance, be rewarded monetarily.